Oils By Priestess Rosalind

King Solomon Oil Sigil Magic Candle Magic Alchemy psalms

Uncrossing Oil For Attacks Curses Negative Stuck Stagnant Energy 1/2 oil

African Ju Ju Oil For adding Power to spells and rituals
John Conqueror Oil For overcoming tough circumstances and gaining power 1/2 oz oil
Road Opener Oil for opening roads to success wealth opportunities 1/2 oz
Prosperity and Money oil for money and income flow into your life 1/2 oz oil

Boss Fix Oil for soothing and control in your work situations
Fiery wall of protection oil for barriers and protection against others attacks envy
Crown of Success Oil Recognition favor success wealth goals 1/2 oz

Chuparosa Oil Long term love sweetness hummingbird oil romance 1/2 oil
Follow Me Boy Oil For Dominance Attraction Rootwork Conjure Spell