Lets talk about whats happening in your life
How many times have you thought to yourself , "I will do it one day". In my simple daily readings and conversations I often hear the others express that they want to be freer, more creative, and powerful. I must admit that its difficult to recognize the amount of fear in the voices of the mothers, wives, graduates, and friends I speak with. The fear that I hear is powerful and holds so many of us in "place". We may believe as our mothers, or aunts did; and that we must stay in our place without advancements. Sometimes the sheer thought of being different and not hitting milestones that were predetermined from others is enough to scare away our true dreams in life.
We Are Never Separate Or Without Support From Our Divine/Ancestor Teams
In my years on the path of self discovery and advancing to accept my gifts, I was often afraid. It is not a simple task to move along and feel as if you are looking at the past of who you were. I made a lot of peace with my past because the future called me.
I couldn't have completed my first drum journey, or began to listen to my ancestors without understanding fear is just an indicator. The option is ours to be stuck in the moment of fear, or to accept the blessings coming right after.
In 2012 I was broken and in pain. The trauma I had experienced in my life was adding up fully.... It was fuel to guide me to explore and break a mold. Shamanic healing was something I had never thought of and somehow I ended up in April 2013 at a Certification Course that lasted a year. On my first drum journey I was guided smoothly by my guides and past life information came with ease.
Interactions Are Guided By The Universe and Ancestors
The services created here are not coincidental and mundane. Each interaction or thought to seek guidance is somehow meant to take place when it occurs. The foundation of your questions, need for direction, or call to help is all supported by the divine.
As a result of this frequency I am called to serve with intuitive help, mentoring, shamanic guidance, root work, trot, reiki, and energy readings. The tools I use are not new and have proven successful in numerous instances. I am honored to help you with guided insight into the solutions in life.
Take Back What You Need From This Life Experience
Its a blessing to have your views on Youtube @Priestess and Medium Rosalind. I have messages to share nearly everyday as spirit continues to share and visit us in unlimited ways. I am uplifted to hear your confirmations on the path that is opening to you in relationships, family, career success, and spiritual healing.
Dont give up now! You have come so far.
Priestess and Medium Rosalind