Fiery wall of protection oil for barriers and protection against others attacks envy
~Fiery wall of protection Oil~
I work daily as a shamanic healer and priestess with years of experience to help with my rootwork, floorwashes, readings, apothecary bath salts, soaps, lotions, candles, and conjure oil products and conjure. *Please note that I do not guarantee certain outcomes and energy is free will and changes with beautiful energy at different times.
This listing is for 1/2 oz Fiery wall of Protection Oil and created by me.
This oil was created by me using old conjure and hoodoo Traditions with full charged Moon energy; it is filled with cinnamon, peppers, and roots and a non GMO pure natural base oil. You will see the roots, and peppers and and know it is joined with your intentions of being protected and not worry about envy and jealousy in life that may interfere with your goals or peace of mind. This oil comes labeled with instructions for use in the traditional ways.
You can use this oil on your candles and spells or workings.
This oil cannot be used on your skin!
*please note I'm responsible for outcomes with this oil in your situations, and this oil should never substitute common sense, medical or psychological care, or legal advice. Due to the nature of this item it is not returnable. If you have a question with purchase please ask. Thank you for looking.
Have a blessed day!
Priestess Rosalind