Uncrossing Soap with authentic Rootwork Roots Shea butter base
Uncrossing soap is created with Traditional rootwork conjure Roots to clear and stop most crossed conditions. It contains pure powerful tried and true ingredients; hyssop, Angelica Root, and lemongrass together they help stop rocky and negative energy and better positive energies in your life.
Soaps are Created by me with pure roots, herbs, and with oil’s In a Shea butter blend to help your skin feel moisturized and to feel the intentional affects of beautiful and powerful rootwork. Of course every bar comes with instructions also.
How I Work
I work as a shamanic Medium and priestess for the higher conscious healing we all find the need for. This may take a unique path during our phone or video sessions with you because we are all different. Spirit leads and blessings my readings, reiki, and conjure rituals so dont be defensive when receiving insight. Manifest your plans for release, healing, or co creating along with the the universe, ancestors, spirit guides, and highest divine creator.